*=================================* * Image Gallery v1.0 - 1996 * * Copyright Anet Inc. * *=================================* Welcome to the Image Gallery. Description =========== The Image Gallery is a picture browser designed to view image files on a computer. It enables to view simulteniously up to 225 pictures in a single window. The program enables recursive search for images of specified format(s) in a directory. It supports bitmap, metafile and icon formats. Each picture can be watched full view. Distribution notes ================== The Image Gallery is distributed in the following files: Imgallry.exe Fully functional program file. Imgallry.hlp This help file. This product is distributed FREE. We don't ask money for this program, but we would appreciate it if you will fill in and send us a REGISTRATION FORM. This would give us the pleasure of being able to inform you about our new products. You may believe, they will be unique and exciting. Installation ============ The installation process is very simple and easy. Place two the files listed above in any directory you like. The only requirement is you should keep both of them together in the same directory. System requirements =================== Operating system: Win3.x, Win-95; RAM: 2Mb or more;